

As the nix language has no static types we use Type informations in doc-comments to communicate type expectations, behaviors and abstract interfaces.

In this short tutorial your will learn how to properly type a nix function, such that it can be discovered by noogle and most imporantantly understood by other developers.


BoolA value of type boolean can be either true or false
IntThe classical integer type
FloatA float with 64 bits
StringA string of any unicode characters
PathPath referencing a location or a file. With no assumptions on the existence of that
NullThe value null
NeverThe bottom type. e.g. the function builtins.abort which returns Never


T, U, ...; are placeholders for any types, those MUST be specifically declared on usage

[ T ]ListList of elements with type T each
{ U::T }AttrSetAttrSet where member N references value of type T
T -> ULambdaA function that takes a single argument of type T and returns a value of type U

Common Aliases

Sometimes common aliases for more complex types can be used.

They are composed from other types as follows

Derivationsee builtins.derivationis just a special AttrSet. see builtins.derivation
Any?There is no Any type. Avoid using it. Use type variables (e.g. a -> b) instead if you want to allow variable type signatures.
NumberInt {or} FloatThe Number is either of type Int or of type Float
StorePathPathThe StorePath is just a meaningful alias of the type Path


These examples should give you a short feeling of correctly using type signatures.

bitOr :: Int -> Int -> Int
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapAttrs :: (String -> a -> b) -> { ${name} :: a } -> { ${name} :: b }


In some cases it is very hard and complex to describe all behaviors. Keep it simple.

Entering the last and likewise important chapter, 'Operators'


All Operators SHOULD be used with surrounding whitespace.

:: declares the type

e.g. name :: String

() Parenthesis

Parenthesis to clarify order of type evaluation

e.g. ( a -> b ) | Bool

Precedence: (Highest)

; Separator for subsequent entries (like in AttrSet)

e.g. { foo :: Number; bar :: String }

Currently this is very inconsistent in nixpkgs.

Lets improve here

| syntactic or

syntactic Or can be used for composition or enums

Precedence: 2

Special Cases

Any | a

Is always Any; Because any other type a must already be a subtype of any, due to the definition of Any.

b | Never

Is always b; Due to the definition of Never; b must be a supertype of Never.

... - arbitrary input values

can only be used within an AttrSet to allow any more name-value pairs.

... = ${rest} :: a within an AttrSet context

Precedence: None

-> arrow operator

Allows for lambda types

Precedence: 1

? optional arguments in an AttrSet

--e.g. { opt ? :: Int }

Precedence: None