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Docs pulled from | This Revision | 12 minutes ago

TODO: Deduplicate this documentation. More docs in doc/build-helpers/trivial-build-helpers.chapter.md See https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#trivial-builder-symlinkJoin

Create a forest of symlinks to the files in paths.

This creates a single derivation that replicates the directory structure of all the input paths.

BEWARE: it may not "work right" when the passed paths contain symlinks to directories.


symlinkJoin usage example

# adds symlinks of hello to current build.
symlinkJoin { name = "myhello"; paths = [ pkgs.hello ]; }

# adds symlinks of hello and stack to current build and prints "links added"
symlinkJoin { name = "myexample"; paths = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.stack ]; postBuild = "echo links added"; }

This creates a derivation with a directory structure like the following:

|-- bin
|   |-- hello -> /nix/store/qy93dp4a3rqyn2mz63fbxjg228hffwyw-hello-2.10/bin/hello
|   `-- stack -> /nix/store/6lzdpxshx78281vy056lbk553ijsdr44-stack-
`-- share
    |-- bash-completion
    |   `-- completions
    |       `-- stack -> /nix/store/6lzdpxshx78281vy056lbk553ijsdr44-stack-
    |-- fish
    |   `-- vendor_completions.d
    |       `-- stack.fish -> /nix/store/6lzdpxshx78281vy056lbk553ijsdr44-stack-

symlinkJoin and linkFarm are similar functions, but they output
derivations with different structure.

symlinkJoin is used to create a derivation with a familiar directory
structure (top-level bin/, share/, etc), but with all actual files being symlinks to
the files in the input derivations.

symlinkJoin is used many places in nixpkgs to create a single derivation
that appears to contain binaries, libraries, documentation, etc from
multiple input derivations.

linkFarm is instead used to create a simple derivation with symlinks to
other derivations.  A derivation created with linkFarm is often used in CI
as a easy way to build multiple derivations at once.