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The following is the current implementation of this function.
{ url
, tag ? null
, rev ? null
, leaveDotGit ? deepClone
, outputHash ? lib.fakeHash, outputHashAlgo ? null
, fetchSubmodules ? true, deepClone ? false
, branchName ? null
, sparseCheckout ? []
, nonConeMode ? false
, name ? null
, # Shell code executed after the file has been fetched
# successfully. This can do things like check or transform the file.
postFetch ? ""
, preferLocalBuild ? true
, fetchLFS ? false
, # Shell code to build a netrc file for BASIC auth
netrcPhase ? null
, # Impure env vars (https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-advanced-attributes)
# needed for netrcPhase
netrcImpureEnvVars ? []
, meta ? {}
, allowedRequisites ? null
fetchgit has one problem: git fetch only works for refs.
This is because fetching arbitrary (maybe dangling) commits creates garbage collection risks
and checking whether a commit belongs to a ref is expensive. This may
change in the future when some caching is added to git (?)
Usually refs are either tags (refs/tags/*) or branches (refs/heads/*)
Cloning branches will make the hash check fail when there is an update.
But not all patches we want can be accessed by tags.
The workaround is getting the last n commits so that it's likely that they
still contain the hash we want.
for now : increase depth iteratively (TODO)
real fix: ask git folks to add a
git fetch $HASH contained in $BRANCH
facility because checking that $HASH is contained in $BRANCH is less
expensive than fetching --depth $N.
Even if git folks implemented this feature soon it may take years until
server admins start using the new version?
assert deepClone -> leaveDotGit;
assert nonConeMode -> (sparseCheckout != []);
revWithTag =
warningMsg = "fetchgit requires one of either `rev` or `tag` to be provided (not both).";
otherIsNull = other: lib.assertMsg (other == null) warningMsg;
if tag != null then
assert (otherIsNull rev);
else if rev != null then
assert (otherIsNull tag);
# FIXME fetching HEAD if no rev or tag is provided is problematic at best
if builtins.isString sparseCheckout then
# Changed to throw on 2023-06-04
throw "Please provide directories/patterns for sparse checkout as a list of strings. Passing a (multi-line) string is not supported any more."
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = if name != null then name else urlToName url revWithTag;
builder = ./builder.sh;
fetcher = ./nix-prefetch-git;
nativeBuildInputs = [ git cacert ]
++ lib.optionals fetchLFS [ git-lfs ];
inherit outputHash outputHashAlgo;
outputHashMode = "recursive";
# git-sparse-checkout(1) says:
# > When the --stdin option is provided, the directories or patterns are read
# > from standard in as a newline-delimited list instead of from the arguments.
sparseCheckout = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" sparseCheckout;
inherit url leaveDotGit fetchLFS fetchSubmodules deepClone branchName nonConeMode postFetch;
rev = revWithTag;
postHook = if netrcPhase == null then null else ''
# required that git uses the netrc file
mv {,.}netrc
export NETRC=$PWD/.netrc
export HOME=$PWD
impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars ++ netrcImpureEnvVars ++ [
inherit preferLocalBuild meta allowedRequisites;
passthru = {
gitRepoUrl = url;
inherit tag;