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Docs pulled from | This Revision | about 2 hours ago

Applies a list of patches to a source directory.


applyPatches usage example

# Patching nixpkgs:

applyPatches {
  src = pkgs.path;
  patches = [
    (pkgs.fetchpatch {
      url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1f770d20550a413e508e081ddc08464e9d08ba3d.patch";
      sha256 = "1nlzx171y3r3jbk0qhvnl711kmdk57jlq4na8f8bs8wz2pbffymr";

Noogle detected


The following is the current implementation of this function.

applyPatches =
    { src
    , name ? (if builtins.typeOf src == "path"
      then builtins.baseNameOf src
        if builtins.isAttrs src && builtins.hasAttr "name" src
        then src.name
        else throw "applyPatches: please supply a `name` argument because a default name can only be computed when the `src` is a path or is an attribute set with a `name` attribute."
      ) + "-patched"
    , patches ? [ ]
    , prePatch ? ""
    , postPatch ? ""
    , ...
    if patches == [ ] && prePatch == "" && postPatch == ""
    then src # nothing to do, so use original src to avoid additional drv
    else stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation
        inherit name src patches prePatch postPatch;
        preferLocalBuild = true;
        allowSubstitutes = false;
        phases = "unpackPhase patchPhase installPhase";
        installPhase = "cp -R ./ $out";
      # Carry `meta` information from the underlying `src` if present.
      // (optionalAttrs (src?meta) { inherit (src) meta; })
      // (removeAttrs args [ "src" "name" "patches" "prePatch" "postPatch" ]));