Docs pulled from | This Revision | about 2 hours ago
converted to finalType
using coerceFunc
Noogle detected
The following is the current implementation of this function.
coercedTo = coercedType: coerceFunc: finalType:
assert lib.assertMsg (coercedType.getSubModules == null)
"coercedTo: coercedType must not have submodules (it’s a ${
mkOptionType rec {
name = "coercedTo";
description = "${optionDescriptionPhrase (class: class == "noun") finalType} or ${optionDescriptionPhrase (class: class == "noun") coercedType} convertible to it";
check = x: (coercedType.check x && finalType.check (coerceFunc x)) || finalType.check x;
merge = loc: defs:
coerceVal = val:
if coercedType.check val then coerceFunc val
else val;
in finalType.merge loc (map (def: def // { value = coerceVal def.value; }) defs);
emptyValue = finalType.emptyValue;
getSubOptions = finalType.getSubOptions;
getSubModules = finalType.getSubModules;
substSubModules = m: coercedTo coercedType coerceFunc (finalType.substSubModules m);
typeMerge = t: null;
functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = finalType; };
nestedTypes.coercedType = coercedType;
nestedTypes.finalType = finalType;