Docs pulled from | This Revision | about 1 hour ago
Convert the given positive integer to a string of its hexadecimal representation. For example:
toHexString 0 => "0"
toHexString 16 => "10"
toHexString 250 => "FA"
Noogle detected
The following is the current implementation of this function.
toHexString = let
hexDigits = {
"10" = "A";
"11" = "B";
"12" = "C";
"13" = "D";
"14" = "E";
"15" = "F";
toHexDigit = d:
if d < 10
then toString d
else hexDigits.${toString d};
in i: lib.concatMapStrings toHexDigit (toBaseDigits 16 i);