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Docs pulled from | This Revision | about 2 hours ago

Return a module that causes a warning to be shown if any of the "from" option is defined; the defined values can be used in the "mergeFn" to set the "to" value. This function can be used to merge multiple options into one that has a different type.

"mergeFn" takes the module "config" as a parameter and must return a value of "to" option type.

mkMergedOptionModule [ [ "a" "b" "c" ] [ "d" "e" "f" ] ] [ "x" "y" "z" ] (config: let value = p: getAttrFromPath p config; in if (value [ "a" "b" "c" ]) == true then "foo" else if (value [ "d" "e" "f" ]) == true then "bar" else "baz")

  • options.a.b.c is a removed boolean option
  • options.d.e.f is a removed boolean option
  • options.x.y.z is a new str option that combines a.b.c and d.e.f functionality

This show a warning if any a.b.c or d.e.f is set, and set the value of x.y.z to the result of the merge function



1. Function argument


2. Function argument


3. Function argument

Noogle detected



The following is the current implementation of this function.

mkMergedOptionModule = from: to: mergeFn:
    { config, options, ... }:
      options = foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (map (path: setAttrByPath path (mkOption {
        visible = false;
        # To use the value in mergeFn without triggering errors
        default = "_mkMergedOptionModule";
      })) from);

      config = {
        warnings = filter (x: x != "") (map (f:
          let val = getAttrFromPath f config;
              opt = getAttrFromPath f options;
            (val != "_mkMergedOptionModule")
            "The option `${showOption f}' defined in ${showFiles opt.files} has been changed to `${showOption to}' that has a different type. Please read `${showOption to}' documentation and update your configuration accordingly."
        ) from);
      } // setAttrByPath to (mkMerge
               (any (f: (getAttrFromPath f config) != "_mkMergedOptionModule") from)
               (mergeFn config)));