Docs pulled from | This Revision | 43 minutes ago
Like makeScope, but aims to support cross compilation. It's still ugly, but hopefully it helps a little bit.
makeScopeWithSplicing' ::
{ splicePackages :: Splice -> AttrSet
, newScope :: AttrSet -> ((AttrSet -> a) | Path) -> AttrSet -> a
-> { otherSplices :: Splice, keep :: AttrSet -> AttrSet, extra :: AttrSet -> AttrSet }
-> AttrSet
Splice ::
{ pkgsBuildBuild :: AttrSet
, pkgsBuildHost :: AttrSet
, pkgsBuildTarget :: AttrSet
, pkgsHostHost :: AttrSet
, pkgsHostTarget :: AttrSet
, pkgsTargetTarget :: AttrSet
Noogle detected
The following is the current implementation of this function.
makeScopeWithSplicing' =
# Attrs from `self` which won't be spliced.
# Avoid using keep, it's only used for a python hook workaround, added in PR #104201.
# ex: `keep = (self: { inherit (self) aAttr; })`
keep ? (_self: { }),
# Additional attrs to add to the sets `callPackage`.
# When the package is from a subset (but not a subset within a package IS #211340)
# within `spliced0` it will be spliced.
# When using an package outside the set but it's available from `pkgs`, use the package from `pkgs.__splicedPackages`.
# If the package is not available within the set or in `pkgs`, such as a package in a let binding, it will not be spliced
# ex:
# ```
# nix-repl> darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreFoundation
# «derivation ...CoreFoundation-11.0.0.drv»
# nix-repl> darwin.CoreFoundation
# error: attribute 'CoreFoundation' missing
# nix-repl> darwin.callPackage ({ CoreFoundation }: CoreFoundation) { }
# «derivation ...CoreFoundation-11.0.0.drv»
# ```
extra ? (_spliced0: { }),
spliced0 = splicePackages {
pkgsBuildBuild = otherSplices.selfBuildBuild;
pkgsBuildHost = otherSplices.selfBuildHost;
pkgsBuildTarget = otherSplices.selfBuildTarget;
pkgsHostHost = otherSplices.selfHostHost;
pkgsHostTarget = self; # Not `otherSplices.selfHostTarget`;
pkgsTargetTarget = otherSplices.selfTargetTarget;
spliced = extra spliced0 // spliced0 // keep self;
self = f self // {
newScope = scope: newScope (spliced // scope);
callPackage = newScope spliced; # == self.newScope {};
# N.B. the other stages of the package set spliced in are *not*
# overridden.
overrideScope =
(makeScopeWithSplicing' { inherit splicePackages newScope; } {
inherit otherSplices keep extra;
f = extends g f;
packages = f;