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Docs pulled from | This Revision | 21 minutes ago

Pretty print a value, akin to builtins.trace.

Should probably be a builtin as well.

The pretty-printed string should be suitable for rendering default values in the NixOS manual. In particular, it should be as close to a valid Nix expression as possible.


Structured function argument
If this option is true, attrsets like { __pretty = fn; val = …; } will use fn to convert val to a pretty printed representation. (This means fn is type Val -> String.)
If this option is true, the output is indented with newlines for attribute sets and lists
Initial indentation level
The value to be pretty printed

Noogle detected


The following is the current implementation of this function.

toPretty = {
    allowPrettyValues ? false,
    multiline ? true,
    indent ? ""
    go = indent: v:
    let     introSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent}  " else " ";
            outroSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent}" else " ";
    in if   isInt      v then toString v
    # toString loses precision on floats, so we use toJSON instead. This isn't perfect
    # as the resulting string may not parse back as a float (e.g. 42, 1e-06), but for
    # pretty-printing purposes this is acceptable.
    else if isFloat    v then builtins.toJSON v
    else if isString   v then
        lines = filter (v: ! isList v) (split "\n" v);
        escapeSingleline = escape [ "\\" "\"" "\${" ];
        escapeMultiline = replaceStrings [ "\${" "''" ] [ "''\${" "'''" ];
        singlelineResult = "\"" + concatStringsSep "\\n" (map escapeSingleline lines) + "\"";
        multilineResult = let
          escapedLines = map escapeMultiline lines;
          # The last line gets a special treatment: if it's empty, '' is on its own line at the "outer"
          # indentation level. Otherwise, '' is appended to the last line.
          lastLine = last escapedLines;
        in "''" + introSpace + concatStringsSep introSpace (init escapedLines)
                + (if lastLine == "" then outroSpace else introSpace + lastLine) + "''";
        if multiline && length lines > 1 then multilineResult else singlelineResult
    else if true  ==   v then "true"
    else if false ==   v then "false"
    else if null  ==   v then "null"
    else if isPath     v then toString v
    else if isList     v then
      if v == [] then "[ ]"
      else "[" + introSpace
        + concatMapStringsSep introSpace (go (indent + "  ")) v
        + outroSpace + "]"
    else if isFunction v then
      let fna = functionArgs v;
          showFnas = concatStringsSep ", " (mapAttrsToList
                       (name: hasDefVal: if hasDefVal then name + "?" else name)
      in if fna == {}    then "<function>"
                         else "<function, args: {${showFnas}}>"
    else if isAttrs    v then
      # apply pretty values if allowed
      if allowPrettyValues && v ? __pretty && v ? val
         then v.__pretty v.val
      else if v == {} then "{ }"
      else if v ? type && v.type == "derivation" then
        "<derivation ${v.name or "???"}>"
      else "{" + introSpace
          + concatStringsSep introSpace (mapAttrsToList
              (name: value:
                "${escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${
                  addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
                    (go (indent + "  ") value)
                };") v)
        + outroSpace + "}"
    else abort "generators.toPretty: should never happen (v = ${v})";
  in go indent;